Monday, October 26, 2009

It's a Mind Thing

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It’s a Mind Thing
Inspiration from Jacki Kash

October 26, 2009
Atlanta, GA-Do you know how important your words and thoughts are to your life? The thoughts you think and the words you speak have creative power to bring forth what you think and speak.

Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as he thinks in his heart, so is he. So if you think you’re poor, you are. If you think you’re a failure, you are. And likewise, if you think you’re successful, creative and prosperous, you are. Even when you don’t see the immediate results of what you think and say, by constantly meditating on right or wrong thoughts, you program your mind to produce a roadmap. This in turn, tells your mind to take action to bring you to the destination that your thoughts and words tell it you desire to be.

This is why it’s so important to meditate on good things and to guard your heart against those things that oppose what you truly desire.

Have you ever heard successful people say they surround themselves with positive people? That’s because who you hang around, what you listen to, read, and watch influence your thoughts and words.

Therefore, you have to train your mind to focus on positive thoughts, words and images. The best way to transform your mind is by focusing on God’s word. Other things may change. You may hear varying opinions coming across the airwaves through television, radio and people, but God’s word remains the same and He has given us wonderful promises to meditate on.

What are you thinking about?

Are your words and thoughts aligning with what you desire to see in your life?

How can you align your words, thoughts, imaginations, relationships, actions and environments with who you truly desire to be? Begin by taking one small step towards change today!

This week, choose to be conscious of the words, thoughts, and images that you allow to influence you. Write down one thing you can change. Begin to make necessary adjustments. This is what living life on purpose is about.

Enjoy your week!
Jacki Kash
Personal Empowerment Leader
Inspire To Dream
For more inspiring articles by Jacki Kash, visit the Inspiration Cafe'

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What do you do when you don't know what to do?

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Inspiration from Jacki Kash
October 25, 2009

The Bible instructs us to acknowledge God in all our ways, and He will direct our paths. This means in everything we think, do and say we should seek God’s way of being, even when His way seems to go against what we are seeing in today’s world.

For so many of us, there may be a temptation to trust in your own education and the advice the world has to offer, but the best way is God’s way. His way causes us to avoid destruction and to choose the right decisions. The world’s way of doing things may seem right or bring instant gratification to satisfy our needs, but if what we are thinking, saying and doing does not line up with God’s word, then we are operating in selfishness.

The good news is that when we make mistakes, God is willing to forgive us and show us the right way so that we do not have to continue to operate in darkness, seeking the wrong things, thinking of how to get even with people, treating others badly or simply seeking to satisfy our own desires, at the expense of others.

In what ways are you acknowledging God? Which areas of your life have room for improvement?

Let’s make a conscious decision to be more aware of how we can align our thoughts, words and actions to God’s word this week. It takes 21 days to form a habit, but let’s start with today!

Enjoy your week!

Jacki Kash
Personal Empowerment Leader
Inspire To Dream
Inspiration for living Life with purpose, On purpose!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Trusting God in the Midst of a Storm

Inspiration from Jacki Kash

How are you when it comes to trusting God in the midst of a storm?

I have finally figured out that really trusting God commands rest. Have you ever been in a situation where you really needed something and didn't know how you were going to get it? How did you respond?

Have you ever faced tough times where you didn't know how your needs would be met? I have. Before I began to study and do the word of God, my response to these situations was to panic. I would wake up full of fear and allow myy thoughts to be dominated by thoughts of despair. I did the opposite of what His word said. I wanted to have faith, but what I was going through caused me to be fearful. However, faith and fear cannot co-exist, but faith in God's word will banish fear.

During seemingly hopeless situations, God has come through for me. Even in the midst of unfamiliar territory, I've learned that He is faithful to His word. As I see miracles performed in my own life, I develop more confidence in God's word.

When you walk upright before God, He will honor His word. Our job is to trust Him, not to try to figure out how He is going to come through, but to trust that when He promises something, He will also do it (Isaiah 46:11).

This blog comes from personal experience, not from what I've heard about. Therefore, I can say with confidence that no matter how situations look, we have the ability to walk by faith and not by sight. And remember, what you see is subject to change.

When you begin to trust in God, you will experience growth. When you become skilled at trusting God, you begin to declare His word more in the midst of difficult circumstances. When you begin to gain victory over battles, you learn to trust God more, which in turn develops your confidence that He will do what He has spoken and what He purposed, He will bring to pass.

The moral is, trust commands rest. Are you resting? And if not, are you truly trusting?logo maker logo creator