Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to Experience God's Best!

How to Experience God's Best!

Have you been experiencing less than God's best in your life and wondering what's holding up your breakthrough? In my experience, when things are not lining up with what God's word says we should have, it's an indicator that it's time to ask God what's holding me back?

It is true that while God answers our prayers according to His will, some things may not happen immediately. But, when you notice that you keep experiencing the same sequence of events or are dealing with the same issues over and over, it's time to ask God, "What is it I need to change?"

I have been learning how important it is to examine the condition of the heart. It is not always comfortable, but it is a beneficial. I've heard one of my favorite Bible teachers, Joyce Meyer say, "We look at others through a magnifying glass, but we look at ourselves through rose colored sunglasses."

Asking the Holy Spirit to examine your heart can help you to get to the next level, especially when you've been asking Him what's preventing you from moving forward. But, you have to be willing to receive what He reveals and make the necessary changes.

Did you know impurities in your heart can keep you from experiening God's best?

Things such as offense, strife, unforgiveness and wrath can not only block you from hearing from God; these things keep God's people from experiencing breakthrough. Galatians 5:19-21 outlines things that keep believers from inheriting the kingdom of God; however, God's word also instructs us on how to avoid these things. Galatians 5:14 says, "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Relationships are key! I once thought that I was perfect and everyone else around me had problems. But, as I have grown in my relationship with God, the Holy Spirit has revealed where change is needed to be in alignment with God's will.

True Change begins with a relationship with God, who will give you the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth.

God has been showing me that how I operate in relationships can be either an opportunity to develop and grow into the image of Christ, or to lead me down the wrong path. How we operate in relationships reveals what is truly in our hearts. When we operate in the fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, emperance, we fulfill God's will, according to Galatians 5:22:23.

Don't be deceived, opportunities arise daily to walk in the flesh, or opposition to God's will, but we can choose God's way. Just think how many times we could get offended by little things each day. What types of things cause you to harbor unforgivess or get involved in strife? These things can take place in an instant and interrupt your progress.

If you're caught off guard when it takes place and don't deal with it, these things have the potential to take root like a seed, grow and corrupt your heart. It will then spring forth in your words, thoughts, actions, habits and determine your character. Yes, it is that serious!

Do you see why it's important to guard your heart? In today's busy society, it's easy to neglect examing the heart's condition or to think everything's okay when it may not be. Just as you would get a physical examination to ensure that your physical body is in good health. Regularly ask God to examine your spiritual heart and He will.

I pray this article has blessed you!

In His Love,
Jacki Kash
CEO & Founder
Inspire To Dream, Inc.
Atlanta, GA


**Please let me know if this article has inspired you or you have received breakthrough! Your testimony truly inspires and offers hope to others.

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